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What We Do

Farm Plans, Native Planting, Project Management, Strategy & Advice.
A little or a choose.

At EnviroConsult we combine and balance business needs with the environmental requirements to ensure businesses are compliant, striving for excellence and are sustainable into the future.

With Essential Freshwater and Environmental Plan changes being implemented by Government and Regional Councils across New Zealand, farming businesses need to be both aware of their obligations and compliant with the regulations.

Failure to do so, will put the farming business at risk.

These rules and regulations are complicated, somewhat open to interpretation and changing – we are solely focused on helping you.

It is critical to get the right advice and the right outcomes – saving valuable time, hard earned money and protecting your farming investment.

We’ll review your farming system and your natural resources, in conjunction with your local authority regulations and provide you with certified/qualified advice and strategies to comply and excel.

We can do this in a one-off fashion, or we can take full control of your farm environmental planning, project management and environmental strategy with you.

The choice is yours – a little or a lot.

What We Do: About
What We Do: Testimonials
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